And Bishop Thomas G. Doran of the Diocese of Rockford, Ill., has a couple of suggestions in the letter of protest he sent to Fr. Jenkins, president of Notre Dame. After expressing his outrage (old hat by now), Bishop Doran gets creative–or snarky, depending on your point of view: “I would ask,” he writes, “that…

On this, the fourth anniverary of the death of Pope John Paul II, a time that brought millions into the streets of Rome chanting “Santo subito!“, the beatification process is moving, but not as quickly as some might hope. Benedict prayed at John Paul’s simple tomb today, and yesterday (Wednesday) told Polish pilgrims he was…

Some would say this has been happening for a while in the once thoroughly Catholic province, but a few recent stories out of the Vatican seem to have pushed some Catholic Quebecois over the edge and into formally disavowing the church. One was the pope’s statements against condoms to prevent AIDS, and the other was…

So get this: An evangelical pastor in Germany does a little “customizing” of some of those popular Playmobil toy figures to make Bible scenes–including a Passion–and the company wants to shut him down. Unfair? Or unfair use? The National Post has the story (in English): “Reverend Markus Bomhard, 38, an evangelical preacher from Eschborn, Hesse,…

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