Earth Day.jpgEarth Day
is tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22, and the folks at Pew have a poll out showing who think the Earth is warming and who doesn’t, and whether they think we (humanity) have anything to do with it.

Not surprisngly, Catholics are more in line with mainstream American opinion, and, thankfully, the scientific community. And especially with Benedict XVI–the “Green Pope,” some call him–who has made care of the environment a theme of his papacy. Many dioceses and parishes and religious orders have taken innovative steps, and the Vatican is even installing solar panels on its main audience hall. You can get a sense of Benedict’s approach in this CNS story. Also worth a read is a fine essay in the latest America magazine, “Stewards of Creation: A Catholic approach to climate change,” by Bishop William S. Skylstad. (Graphic above from the America article.)

I alos agree it’s warming, and am alarmed, and I think there’s no doubt we contribute to that warming to some degree (so to speak), especially in the U.S.

There could likely be long-term patterns at work, too. My question has always been, whether we contribute to global warming or not, isn’t it an exercise in virtue and moderation to reduce the energy we use and the pollution we throw off? Isn’t it, dare I say, Christian to use resources in a sustainable and equitable way, no matter what the impact on the atmosphere? 

So here’s the graphic results. Where do you stand?

Global warming.gif

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