Okay, so we got (or are getting) Newt Gingrich, we lost (or are losing) Lindsay Lohan, but the day finishes with the biggest free agent signing of the off-season as Beliefnet snares blogger extraordinaire Amy Welborn. Amy’s longstanding site, “Charlotte was Both” (a reincarnation of “In Between Naps” and “Open Book”) migrates in toto to Beliefnet and is re-baptized “Via Media.” (Great title.) Her first post is titled “Try not to laugh. Please.” You may, actually. If not now, plenty in the future. Anyone who reads this blog will almost certainly know Amy Welborn–and many know her than know of “Pontifications,” to be sure. She has been a fixture in the Catholic blogosphere for years and is a prolific author. (Regarding that last modifier, read Geoff Nicholson’s recent NYTBR essay on the double-edgedness of “prolific.”) She has chronicled so much of her life, and, just a month ago, her husband’s sudden and tragic death as well. Amy will explain it all herself, better than I ever could or would. Suffice it to say her blog is not a diary of grief but, as its subhead reads, “a Catholic journey through life’s mysteries.”  

Welcome her by reading her. 

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