Parenting on Purpose

One of hardest jobs we face as parents is helping our children through the loss of a loved friend, family member, or pet. Fortunately by understanding the Law of Attraction, we can help our children through the grieving process. In our Western culture, we tend to view death as something final, that life and death…

What is alignment and why is it so important? When we are in alignment, we are connected to our Source, Higher Self, God or any term we choose to describe the Divinity. This alignment offers one vibration with no resistance and gives us access to all the wellbeing from the Universe. In other words, when…

As a law of attraction coach, I have always used this law in my parenting. What is the Universal Law of Attraction? It is the law that governs our Universe and responds to what we are thinking, therefore feeling. This response comes to us in the form of our thoughts experiences and people. We manifest…

When my kids were young, I decided to define and intend the kind of relationship I wanted with them, because I was slightly terrified to leave it to chance. I knew I wanted to be emotionally close, spend as much time with each child as possible, and teach the kids to follow their own path…

At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, there was a young lady who captured a lot of attention, not because she won a gold medal — she didn’t — but because she followed her own Internal Guidance System and followed a unique warm up routine. One of the best things parents can do for…

Before you can teach your kids how to use their internal guidance system, you must be able to first teach yourself how to use your own.                      We all have an Internal Guidance System (IGS), although not everyone knows that they do and some people ignore…

Welcome to my blog, “Parenting on Purpose.”  I’m really excited for the opportunity to share my views, what I teach parents in my practice, and my personal experiences in raising three children. It isn’t always easy to have the communication and closeness that we want with them but we do want more ease and peace…

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