This morning this Beliefnet WEIGHT LOSS GURU got on the Scales of Injustice and weighed-in 3 pounds UP for no reason. I SWEAR!!! Truly, no reason … And even though, I know that there is no real reason for this to be happening. (Let me say it again, truly no real reason. I’ve had a…

Oh Me, Oh My! “IT” came out of NOWHERE … I was feeling absolutely fine one moment and the very next I was overcome with aches, pains, fever, stuffy nose, cough! And I couldn’t remember if I was supposed to feed ‘it’ or starve ‘it.’ So, I crawled into bed with my laptop and a…

At the beginning of the month, when Oprah launched her ‘personal weight loss series,’ I queried my posse – a.k.a. members of the infamous and fabulous Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH CLUB – and asked if they had any words of wisdom, comments, thoughts that they would like to share with…

ACCOUNTABILITY POWER: One of the most powerful principles you can follow in your quest to be the best you ever (as if you’re not good enough already?????) is to follow the Laws of Accountability. Accountability will keep you on track! Just knowing that someone is going to ask you about your progress with your weight…

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