Whether you love to travel or not, the most efficient way to get from here to way over there is via flight. Not on the wings of an eagle, rather via a small seat in a crowded plane that is filled with airborne germs. Until scientists have figured out how to ‘beam us up, Scottie,’…

<img alt="beliefnet%20gov%20huckabee%20letter.jpg" src="http://blog.beliefnet.com/ourladyofweightloss/beliefnet%20gov%20huckabee%20letter.jpg" width="326" height="400" style="float:left;margin7px;" The Pontificating Pundits I’ve been paying close attention to the news coverage of this primary season and listening to the pundits pontificate on the same points over and over again. They talk of exit polls as they do the breakdown dance of statistics in a variety of ways. Male,…

How much happiness is enough? Are we too happy? Am I too happy? (Something new for me to fret over; add to my list of neuroses.)A recent and interesting study, which caught my happy eye, published in December in the journal of Perspectives on Psychological Science indicates that – on the one hand – the…

<img alt="OL-of-Coffee.gif" src="http://blog.beliefnet.com/ourladyofweightloss/OL-of-Coffee.gif" width="372" height="365" style="float:right;margin7px;" As I was sippin' my morning mega-mug a' joe (more than a cup for me, please), I remembered one of my all time favorite yum-delicious smoothies and whipped up a blender full. There’s enough here for at least 2 people, so if you are in the neighborhood, come on…

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