Fennel is an amazing licorice-flavored, crisp and crunchy celery.  I love to add chilled, raw fennel to salads!  Not only does it taste oh so licorice-good, it’s loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium! Fennel and Peppery Strawberry Salad is a positively lovely summer salad.  It’s refreshingly delish and, when plated with panache, it is a…

Are Cravings Killing Your Plan??? Our Lady of Weight Loss seriously knows how YOU CAN put an end to it! She’s the patron saint of permanent weight loss!!!  She knows what she is talking about!!! Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ I was sitting at my desk, feeling just fine, thinking about work, and…

My friend, Tammy, told me that one summer, when she was a kid, she went to marine biology camp. And …  while wearing rubber hip boots, she got stuck in the mud. The more she struggled to pull herself out, the deeper she sank! Her instructor told her to do something different. He said, “Lie…

Today’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JIGSAW Puzzle was inspired by an amazing quote from Coco Chanel! “Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.” ~ C.C. While that used to be true and still may be for many, I’m thinking the appropriate quote for these hi-Tech days is: “Since everything is…

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