Oh My Darling, Oh My Darling, Oh My Darling Clementine!   Clementines are in season! Yesterday, when I walked into the supermarket and saw the boxes of clementines piled high, I nearly cried tears of  joy.  I mean it!!!  I heart Clementines! DIET TIP:  Clementines are the perfect gift to bring to someone’s house, thus ensuring…

This morning, I took a look at my ‘to-do’ list and screamed.  Okay, I didn’t really scream but there was an audible sigh!  So much to do, so little time!  How am I – how are YOU – going to manage to get it all done within a few short weeks?  Before Chanukah, Christmas and…

I had a friend whose family had dinner together. The mother would tuck you in at night and make breakfast in the morning. They even had a spare bike for a friend. It just seemed so amazing to me. ~ Moon Unit Zappa Greetings Tushkateers!!! Happy Post-Thanksgiving!!! BIG Sighs, Claps and Cartwheels for having made…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is loosely inspired by the Queen of Pentacles (Tarot). I was reading about the Queen of Pentacles and the words that were used to described her, including but not limited to “festive, stylish, sensual, intuitive and graceful” resonated. What a lovely way ‘to be’ this holiday season.…

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