BECAUSE, YOU SAID SO!!! Chew on this: Which of the following three sentences is most likely to get you a raise? a. Boss, I’ll quit if I don’t get a raise. b. Boss, I need a raise now, please …[and do dig deep]. c. Boss, I need a raise, because life is expensive and I’m…

I received an email from a member of the Kick in the Tush Club, who greatly suffers when at social functions. Parties and gatherings bring forth extreme feelings of discomfort. In order to feel better, she eats. And sometimes she eats some more. I thought I would share her letter here, because I know she’s…

Non-Emotional Spirit Sappers! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach and 50 pound big-time-loser. Sometimes things get in our way and weigh us down, stop us from moving forward, muck up the works and inadvertently send us to the fridge, and these things may have nothing whatsoever to do with our emotions. Some of these…

Ho, Ho – Hold on there! I know … it’s easy to throw your hands up in the air and say, “It’s okay. It’s the holidays. I’ll straighten up and eat right in January.” But will you get a handle on things come the New Year? And if you do, how much damage will you…

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