Here’s what Kick in the Tush Club member, Nathanne, has to say about Dr. Laura and “her horrible attitude toward overweight people.” (She was inspired to speak out by last week’s post “Governor Paterson Declares War!” Dear Janice ~ The war I want to declare is on Dr. Laura for her horrible attitude toward overweight…

Today is National Walking Day. In commemoration of this day, here follows … … The Benefits of Walking by Janice Taylor (excerpt from her best-selling book, Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal) From stress reduction to less incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and…

I’ve not been a fan of Star Jones, but I am now.I tuned into Oprah yesterday: “Fat to Thin (and possibly back again) In the Public Eye” (my title; not Oprah’s), which featured Valerie Bertinelli, Marie Osmond and Star Jones. Mercifully, Valerie’s and Marie’s segments were relatively short, affording them enough time to pump out…

Research shows that gardening has the power to change your mood, lower your blood pressure, improve the quality of air, alleviate depression, and increase levels of happiness. So what better thing to do than to grown your own Kitchen Herb Garden!?! All the above benefits AND you’ll have fresh herbs to toss into your happy,…

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