When we feel threatened or stressed, our neuroendocrine system kicks into high gear and releases a series of hormones. One of these is Cortisol, which gives us the biochemical strength we need to fight or flee our stressors. Back in evolutionary times, this served us well. We needed to replenish our bodies after a bout…

Greetings Tushkateers … and a very Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU! As I am sure you are well aware, today is Valentine’s Day.  How exciting for both Our Lady of Weight Loss and me to celebrate the day with you!   We send you ‘cutie pies’ platters full of hugs, kisses and love, love, love!…

I stumbled upon a gaggle of  “Healthy Living Quotes” that I found interesting.  Not just because they were profound or struck a personal cord, but rather because the majority of them were said hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years ago, which gives pause for thought. We have been ‘trying’ to eat healthfully, exercise and…

President Obama delivered a fine State of the Union address last night, but OMG!!! … he forgot the MONEY RITUALS!!! Therefore, Our Lady of Weight Loss and I thought we’d share our 5 best money rituals with you!  They are pretty much guaranteed to increase cash flow, as well as ‘lighten’ the air, your mood…

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