Dig it! The President pays for his own food!!! Did you know that the first family pays for their own foods? True! The first family can pick whatever snacks they want and ask the chef to prepare the foods that they like, and then they will receive a bill at the end of the month.…

NOT invited to the Inaugural Luncheon in celebration of the swearing-in of our great nation’s 44th President? Don’t feel bad! As it turns out the meal that they are serving, is NOT Our Lady of Weight Loss approved. Oh sure, I realize that it is an important occasion; more than important – an historic occasion!…

Serotonin, Dopamine and Norepinephrine by Janice Taylor As we head off to the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day feasts of plenty, I thought it might be useful to know what foods bring forth the best feelings. Yes, foods change the chemical structure in your brain, and therefore have an impact on your mood. It’s scientific!…

I queried my posse of nutrition-minded friends. “What IS a calorie?” While most people know what a calorie does – gives us energy, fuels us, and sometimes if we eat enough of them, adds weight to our bodies – they’re not exactly sure how to define it. A calorie is a unit of heat. It…

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