While working on this portrait of Oprah, it took on a life of its own … … and somehow or another Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O., both tragic figures in their own way, showed up on the ‘canvas.’ The connection? I think it’s tragic that women hang their self-esteem on their weight. Yes, I did…

There are the SMARTEST Goals. And THEN … … and only THEN … there are SMART-ASS Goals. I thought that now might be a good time to revisit goal setting! After all, it is a New Year, and while I don’t necessarily believe in resolutions, since we rarely stick to them, I do believe that…

If you’ve been following the “Oprah Weight Gain, 200 Pounds of Pure Love Series,” then you know that Bob Greene, Oprah’s personal weight loss guru (who – to my knowledge – has not personally experienced the battle of the bulge) is leading a ‘weight loss/best life‘ webinar on Monday night. He has put forth his…

Dear Oprah, I am excited that you are launching your “Best Life” series this week. I have ‘inked’ your various shows and webinars on my calendar and plan to have pen and paper at hand to take notes. I am going to practice ‘authentic listening’ (a learned skill) and take notes from the perspective of…

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