Did you know that Christopher Columbus called papayas the “fruit of the angels?”  True enough!!!  And it’s no wonder, because papayas are at the same time both deliciously sweet and musky. I’ve been told that this spherical or pear-shaped fruit can grow as long as 20 inches (imagine that!), but the ones most commonly found…

LUNAR NEWS:  The longest and darkest total lunar eclipse of the CENTURY will occur tomorrow! Specifically at 11:29 PM tomorrow night (June 15). A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth, while orbiting around the Sun, comes between the Moon and the Sun, in such a way that the Moon is hidden by the shadow cast…

A few weeks ago, I happened upon Tumaro’s Gourmet Tortilla Wraps in the market.  They are low-in-calorie, low-in-carbs, low-in-fat, so I thought, “Hey, what the heck, I’ll give ’em a go!”  And guess what!  Not only do Tumaro’s wraps fit Our Lady’s healthy criteria, but they are miraculously high-in-flavor, too! They’ve been given the thumbs…

Last week, we went out for brunch.  (We, as in my immediate, non-extended family.)  People (as in them) ordered some very ‘heavy’ dishes, one of which was Huevos Rancheros with Nachos, beautifully served, with sides of beans, guacamole, etc.  (Sorry, if I am causing anyone to salivate.) On the one hand, I was tempted to…

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