Our Lady of Weight Loss JUGGLES her TO DO List and Gets it Done!

Resistance with a Capital R!!!

Our Lady of Weight Losstold me that she noticed that there are people out there (like me and maybe you?) who resist planning! Planning meals, making time for food shopping, and exercising.

While planning might not be sexy, it is crucial to being sexy, if you get my drift.  If you want to be too sexy for your fat, then you’ve got to plan!

Doing nothing is something! By not planning, by not actively creating health, you are planning and manifesting in the negative.  Yikes! You don’t want to do that, do you?  Plan in the negative?  Create dis-health? un-health? negative-health?

Is it really that complicated to buy fruit and vegetables? Throw a sandwich together in the morning? Or walk around the block?

Here Our Lady of Weight Loss comes to the rescue with utterly useful tips!

7 Dull but Nevertheless Utterly Useful Planning Tips that Will Help You Plan a Most Succulent and Exciting Life
  1. Schedule planning time on your calendar and adhere to it!
  2. Anticipate problems and plan for them! Life happens. Hold 1/2 hour blocks here and there throughout your day. Consider it catch-up time.
  3. Schedule thinking time! Yes, that’s right… you have to think!
  4. Plan for tomorrow, tonight. You will be amazed how well you will sleep.
  5. Plan day-to-day and week-to-week. Once a week schedule time to look at the week to come.
  6. Plan on paper. You’ll never remember all you need to remember. Trust me!
  7. Take your time. No point in rushing and missing something important!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!

wise * fun * utterly useful

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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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