Need a KICK in the TUSH?  Who doesn't?!  from Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert, Positarian
Need a KICK in the TUSH? Who doesn’t?! from Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert, Positarian

Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~ Carl Bard

Dearest Tushkateers,  Happy September!  Happy back to school.  Happy autumn leaves, Happy new beginnings!  Happy happy!!!

Last night Our Lady of Weight Loss and I were listening to music.  Random music.  First, JayZ’s Empire State of Mind; then Robin Thick’s Blurred Lines, followed by Nina Simone’s It’s a New Day (Man-O-Man, music can be so healing, powerful, endorphin producing, but that’s another KICK.)

It’s a new day, a new dawn, it’s a new life for me…a new life for me…and this old world is a new world and a bold world for me— Nina Simone/It’s a New Day.  Ohhh, sing it Nina!

The lyrics got me to thinking.  (Can you smell the wood burning?) Thinking that September represents new beginnings.  Our Lady of Weight Loss agreed and said, “Oh Janny, you are right! Good thinking!! It is  the perfect time to review, revamp and reset our goals!”  (I so love it when OLofWL tells me that I am right!!!)

Anyway, in her infinite wisdom, OLofWL dictated these 10 Guidelines to Setting Autumn Goals for me to share with you!  So–here goes!

10 Tips: How to Set Autumn Goals

1. How Excited and Inspired Are You, Really? Are the goals you set your own, or are they coming from the ‘should’s’ – ‘musts’ and ‘have to’s’ that other people have laid upon you? If you are not excited, forgetaboutit.

2. Did You Bite Off More than You Can Chew? (Pardon the pun.) Be realistic for goodness sake. You can’t start off with 300 pound weights. Try a 3 pounder first! Small changes create big results.

3. Help!!! No woman is an island unto herself. We all need people in our lives that can help and lend support. Make a list of the people in your life who you can trust and can help you!  And then…Ask for help.

4. Did You Write it Down? No! Well you gotta! Putting your goals on paper both alerts your brain that you are “open for business,” as well as sending a strong and positive message to the universe, declaring that you are, indeed, “in the game!”

5. What’s Your Plan?!  Huh? You don’t have one! Writing down your goals is important, but a plan is what keeps you on track.

6. What’s Your First Action Step? Like hola, Tushkateers! Writing it down and making a detailed plan are important steps, and then you must take action.

7. Don’t Let Life Get in the Way.  (Or weigh you down.) It’s easy to let life take over. Going to work, getting the laundry done, going to your kids’ soccer games, etc. etc. We barely have time to breathe! I get it!!! Therefore, you must schedule your goals. Whatever it is that you need to do to manifest, put it on your calendar. Even grocery shopping for fruits & veggies.

8. Go Towards the Positive vs. Pushing Away from Negative.  Instead of focusing on the negative habit you want to let go of, look toward your happy, compelling future. For instance, if you want to quit smoking, focus on what a healthy life looks like. Remember, we manifest what we focus on.

9. Drowning in Drama. At some point, doubt and fear will surface. When your ‘evil twin’ speaks to you, rather than believe that voice and get sucked into the drama, you need to move back into action, immediately. It takes a strong ‘want power’ muscle to do it, but I know that you have it in you!

10. Failure is Feedback. Brace yourself, Tushkateers. You will fail here and there, because failure is a part of the process. When things aren’t going your way; when your action plan isn’t working, it’s time to review and revamp! Failure is merely feedback. Tweak it and move on. No ten year detours allowed!

We hope that these tips helped to ignite your thinking about/rethinking your autumn goals!  Remember, if you are not psyched, excited, determined, then rethink your goals.

AND … for more fabulous tips, inspiration and motivationjoin Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Club:  Kick in the Tush Club/FB

Deliciously yours,

Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful

For the best life, wellness and weight loss wisdom, visit Janice:
Our Lady of Weight Loss
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