kick in the tush club 1:2 logoGreetings, Hello, Hola, Que Pasa Tushkateers!?! 

I know, I know…I wasn’t going to send out the BIG Tuesday Kick in the Tush again till after Labor Day weekend ’cause I’m on a vacation of sorts (vacation from doing too much–determined to just hang out, float, look for mountain lions, et cetera), but this morning, while taking a long walk through the desert (yes, this is the desert; no, I wasn’t walking the Sahara) with Our Lady of Weight Loss by my side (always), she and I were (once gain) discussing the difference between trying to control the day, control our lives, control what we eat and creating a kick tush day.  That’s right–the difference between control and create–and it became abundantly clear that the answer to our struggles is to not struggle.

Ohhhh…I like that:  The Answer to Our Struggles is to NOT Struggle!  Simple enough.  How to do that?  How to put a new spin on the topic, create a fresh take?  Explore the words Control and Create!  Ready? Okay!

The word: Control  –

According to Webster’s dictionary control means to exercise restraint; to hold in check; curb; to eliminate or present the flourishing or spread of.

I don’t know about you, but when I look at those words, especially “exercise constraint” – I’m like ‘get me outta’ here.  It sounds restrictive and feels exhausting.  My world view starts to close in on me.   Did you have a similar visceral reaction to the word ‘control?’

The words we use are important and if one doesn’t ‘fit’ our psyche, best we look for a new word, a new experience, a new way to frame and reframe.  Create a new empowering perspective!

Rather than trying to control food, control our habits, control our thoughts and ourselves; let’s look at the word create.

Create – (Source: Webster’s Dictionary) to bring into existence  (God created the heaven and the earth. — Genesis 1:12) to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior to make or bring into existence something new.  Wow!

Doesn’t the word create feel expansive?  Doesn’t it sound like we are more likely to succeed if we move out of control and straight into create? Can you feel the door to infinite possibility opening? (I hear creaking noises; does it need to be oiled?)

Control vs. Create

Control = constrictive, limiting
Create = expansive, limitless

Instead of battling Control, Let’s CREATE!  Today, let’s choose to be CREATORS.  Let’s open up to the possibilities and create a fun-filled, fabulous, healthful day!

IF you are HUNGRY for more CREATIVE WEIGHT LOSS, as well as motivation, inspiration, fun, play, then visit Our Lady of Weight Loss’s BLOG:  this past week’s posts include but are not limited to–Puzzled? The Watermelon Angel; #OneWord Thursday-Dare to be #YOU!; Review of Healthy Choice’s Steamers–and much more!

AND to discuss all, be sure to join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Club:  Kick in the Tush Club/FB

Deliciously yours,

Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful

For the best life, wellness and weight loss wisdom, visit Janice:
Our Lady of Weight Loss
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join and chat: Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook

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