Shipping Container Home with Garden, Tucson, AZ

We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will.  Incredible.  The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one.  Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts. ~ Ray Bradbury

Happy Tuesday Day Tushkateers and Earthings alike!!!  Are you in search of a miracle?  Fantastic!   You came to the right place.

Please note:  I did not say a ‘miracle diet cure,’ just a plain ole fashion miracle.  You know … your basic garden variety miracle!  And speaking of gardens … check this one out

Are cacti not a miracle?  While driving around Tucson (yes, that is where I am writing from – praise be), in search of the flower district (which we were quick to realize does not exactly exist, at least not in the way I imagined it be – in my mind’s eye), my friend, Betsy, and I drove through a part of town where ‘creative types’ have transformed metal shipping containers into homes and gardened their cacti hearts out.  It has long been a dream of mine to transform a metal shipping container into a home.  Simple space for simple living.   (Check out these google images, if you like!)

The colors – the blue fence, the green cacti – the shapes, the sizes, the variation in form – set my heart to singing.  I was in the best sense, feeding my soul.

As you know, I believe that permanent weight removal is a holistic event.  It’s not about your weight, it’s not about the food; it’s about your life!   I believe that we manifest what we focus on.  And yesterday, I focused on feeding my soul with cactus gardens, the deepest, richest of colors, the warmth of the sun, the chirping birds … nature!

How will you feed your soul today?  Feel free to list your top ten ways to feed your soul below (in the comments sectin).  Sharing helps to feed our collective soul!


And now …  here is the link to your fully loaded Kick in the Tush e-letter!  Which is, by the way, overflowing with giggles and KICKS;  chock a block with tasty side dishes:  including (but not limited to) –  Pink Slime!, from Stress to Serenity,  FATTER THAN EVER???, the HOW of Happiness Centered Weight Loss, as well as  Pi Day faToids.

So click on, read on and enjoy Kick in the Tush Tuesday!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


For the best life, wellness and weight loss wisdom, visit Janice:
Our Lady of Weight Loss

join the Kick in the Tush Club

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Tushkateer*  A Tushkateer is a person who receives Our Lady of Weight Loss’s newsletter, called the KICK in the TUSH CLUB!!!  Sign up and receive her weekly e-newsletter with all the news that ‘fit’ to print, and you are automatically a Tushkateer!  How cool is that? :)

Follow Janice on Twitter @OurLady


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