She Wears a Mean Pineapple by Janice Taylor, Self-Help Artist, (art that evokes happy wisdom)

Today’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle was inspired by a pineapple that was sitting happily on my table.  As I began to slice it, I became curious.

Where did it come from?  How many people did it take to grow it and transport it to my table?  So, I did a bit of investigation and the fact that I found most interesting was just how long it takes to grow a pineapple!

As opposed to how long it takes to eat it!  Imagine, 18 months in the growing; maybe under 3 minutes (5 if I stretch it) to eat a slice of two or three.

Chew on that while you click through this week’s Get Jiggy: She Wear a Mean Pineapple!  Remember, clicking burns calories and keeps your hands and mind busy!

And … for platters full of delish wellness and weight loss wisdom, join the Kick in the Tush Club.


Spread the word … NOT the icing,


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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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