Weight Loss Art by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist, Life & Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach

Greetings Tushkateers*!!! 

Boo Hoo or just Boo?
IF you still have candy in your house, then toss it NOW!  I’ll wait … yup.  I’m just gonna’ sit here (all day if I have to) and wait till you’ve given it away, tossed it, gotten rid of all things sugary.  (Tic Toc Sound)

Okay! Good.  I feel better; don’t you? 
Now we begin anew: a new week, a new month and a new way of being!  Today, we begin the Holiday Season with a sugar-free smile on our face!  Lest we are sunk before we even begin.

And speaking of being sunk, Marcia M. writes

Dear OLofWL ~  I can’t wrap my head around the fact that yet another holiday season is before us; and I weigh as much (if not more) than I did last year, even though I promised myself that 2011 would be THE year.

I don’t want to quit and pretend that it’s okay, because being heavy is not making me happy.  Quite the opposite. All those extra layers and heft cover the ‘real’ me.  I’m huffing and puffing when I take the stairs.   When I drop something, I ask someone else to pick it up for me.  God forbid someone sees my fat a**.

You know, it’s not that I don’t love myself.  I actually have a fairly high opinion of myself.  It’s just that I’m ‘fat’ and I’m short-changing myself.  Please give me a ‘kick in the tush.’  How can I make this year THE year?  I’m tired of this.  Really tired! ~ M.M. (and I don’t mean M&Ms!).  Marcia M.

Dear Marcia M. ~  Since your email popped up in my in-box, I’ve been thinking long and hard about Permanent Weight Removal and specifically how one might flip their “on” switch to “ON!”

Experience ‘the pain of being heavy.’
Human-beings will do anything to avoid pain.  If being heavy, if carrying that extra weight is more emotionally painful than saying ‘no’ to large portions of comfort food, then you will be inclined to ‘just say no.’  However, if saying ‘no’ is more painful than being heavy, you will be inclined to say ‘yes’ to excess food.

Your first step is to really get in touch with all that being heavy is robbing from you.  Feel the extent to which you are ‘tired of being heavy!’  Feel it BIG!

Then, experience what letting go of those extra pounds will give you.  Experience it as it has already happened.  What does the gift of increased, clear and happy energy feel like?  The gift of self-confidence?  Of peace?  Of calm?

At the end of the night, after a day of eating healthfully, how does it feel to put on your fun and/or slinky pj’s, crawl into bed, reflect on your day,  smile and feel good about yourself?  What does ‘being in control’ feel like?  Stop now, sit and imagine what those gifts feel like.

Consider how it feels like to drop something and bend over in clear view of the world, wiggle your tush – as they look.  It’s more about pride vs. shame; then how you look.  Feel PRIDE!

FEELING is your first step toward freedom!  Feel and then let’s talk!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!

*Tushkateer is a member of the Kick in the Tush Club.  Take pride in being a Tushkateer and receive OLofWL’s weekly e-letter!  JOIN: Happy Weight Loss!

PS:  Please – all of you.   THINK, FEEL and write me.  What are your insights?  3 short insights please.  Less than a paragraph, please.  Lest I will be stuffed with words and not able to answer!  🙂  Thank you!  WRITE ME.  in the subject line: FEELING ….  (If you do NOT write FEELING in the subject line, it makes it very difficult for me to find and answer. Thank you!)


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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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