She's Too Sexy for Her Fat

Journaling is an ancient practice dating back, as far as we can see, to 10th Century Japan. It is a tradition that has been kept alive by teenagers and famous people, alike. And there is mounting evidence that journaling has a positive effect on both our physical and mental well-being.

The Many Health Benefits of Journaling!

1. Researchers at University of Texas at Austin found that journaling strengthens the immune cells (T-lymphocytes).

2. There is a link between journaling and decreased asthma and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Apparently, writing about stressful events helps you to come to terms with them, thus reducing the impact of these stressors on your body.

3. The very act of writing creates a doorway to the analytical and rational parts of your left brain. While your left brain is busy being analytical, your right brain is completely free to create, feel and be intuitive.

4. Writing removes mental blocks. It creates an opening for you to use all your brainpower. Journaling may deliver unexpected solutions to difficult, sometimes seemingly unsolvable problems.

5. Journaling helps to clarify your thoughts and feelings. Letting those feelings out on the page reduces stress.

6. Letting go of the stress on the paper, leads to fitful and happy dreams. Sleep tight!

7. Writing on a consistent basis affords you an opportunity to get to know what makes you happy, sad, anxious, confident, as well as see who and what is affecting you and when! It is a written mental map of your life.

8. If you are feeling better, you are more likely to permanently remove that excess weight (a.k.a. lose weight). Leave the heaviness on the page.

9. Keeping a written record of your life sometimes shows you that you are indeed in a much different place than you were one month ago, six months or one year ago. Yay! You are making good progress!

Now … How to Start Journaling

1. Get a journal and pen that tickle your soul. Enjoyment is key!!

2. Write in your diary at the same time each day – even if just for a minute or two. Consistency is important. Should you miss a day or two or even three, “All Is Forgiven, Move On.” Go back to it.

3. Keep in mind, if you are writing very person things that you would rather keep just for yourself, then keep your journal in a private place. Teenage girls keep theirs under lock n’ key! Not a bad idea.

4. Remember that there is no right or wrong way. There is your way!

5. It’s okay to make spelling mistakes. Grammar, too! You’re the only one looking at it!!

What kind of journal will you keep?

Spread the word … NOT the icing!

wise * fun * utterly useful

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