Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ I just love your humor and creativity!!   I have a question. I was 5′ 4″ and now I am 5′ 2″ and weigh 133 pounds, but I want to get down to what a 5’2″ person weighs.

What do you recommend?  ~ B.B.

Dear B.B. ~ A couple of thoughts, B.B., if I may!  (WARNING:   “If I may” means that I am asking permission to give you a Kick in the Tush!!! With warmth and love, not too much of sting today!)

First of all, according to your standard insurance chart, a female who is 5’2″ tall ‘should’ weigh between 111 and 147 pounds!  Therefore, by the grace of standardized charting, you are deemed ‘normal.’

You stated that you want to weigh what a person who is 5’2″ weighs and there you are … 5’2″ and just fine the weigh you are (ha!)! How does it feel to be ‘normal?’

Are you surprised?  Did you think I’d say, “B.B., you SHOULD weigh 110 pounds???”  Or perhaps, you were thinking 5 pounds off would do you?

The truth of the matter is that each one of us is built very differently, our weight is carried differently, and if there is anything that we ‘should’ do, it’s this:

1.  Wipe out what the ‘agreed upon reality’ looks like and tap into your ‘inner thinner core.’ There is no ‘one fits all’ number of number range. Let the numbers float out there.  Don’t take them in on a concrete, cellular level.  Release the number thingy and let the numbers float out there …

2.  Choose a non-number goal. When I first set off on my journey to Sveltesville*, I thought, “It would be amazing to fine my waist.”  FINDING MY WAIST was my first goal.   It was absolutely thrilling when I started to go from ‘box shaped’ to curvy!  I can’t remember what the number was; nor does it matter.  I could have been any number and not had a waist.  You dig?

3.  Look for What You LOVE About Yourself … and build from there.  Even in my darkest moment, when I weighed in and I was the fattest ever, I still loved (aka appreciated) that I was willing to look at it, however painful, the truth of where my actions had brought me (essentially to a WW meeting… again).  I loved that I cried real tears.  Essentially, it was a painfully powerful moment.  I didn’t say I was happy about it; I said that I loved that it was a real moment and I was present with my pain.  In being present, I was able to ride it out and change.  But that’s a bigger story – more than I can write here … )

Now … each and everyone of you, please. Toss whatever you think the “Agreed Upon Reality” is straight out the window, choose a non-number goal, and appreciate something  about yourself.  Appreciate that you are reading this and thinking!  Reading and thinking is great.  Thinking and pondering even better.

Think, ponder, change and finally, evolve.
That’s right …
… Don’t just improve.  Evolve!!!

I hope this helps!!! I really do!!!!!!

Please (all of you!  yes, ALL!!!), write me.  What is your new goal???????? ~ OLofWL

OMG, BB, I was so standing on my ‘weight loss soap box’ that I forgot to say “Thank you for your kind words; your compliments!!!”  I appreciate the accolades and your acknowledgement of my humor and creativity!!! … So – THANK YOu!!! 🙂

PS:  Seriously, if I may (remember, I’m asking permission to give you a Kick in the Tush) …
… if you can sign up for my Omega workshop (August 5 – 7), entitled: Feed Your Soul.  The absolute truth of the matter is that you cannot permanently drop pounds, release weight, lose it without feeding your soul.  You may lose it, but you will find it AGAIN!!!  Is that what you want????  Empty Soul = Stuffed Body

PPS:  This is your last change to enroll in  A Course in Miracle Whips (at the discounted early bird special).  This amazing and mind-changing, soul-feeding 6-week e-course starts on Tuesday July 5!)

*Sveltesville is the promised land, where cravings are a thing of the past.  Numbers matter not. Happiness reigns supreme.  Our Lady of Weight Loss is the Mayor!

Spread the word … NOT the icing,


wise * fun * utterly useful


Join with me at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies on August 5-7:  FEED YOUR SOUL!!!

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