KICKOL-LOGO.jpgTake the edge off hunger with a pre-meal cocktail. A half hour before eating have a tall glass smashingly, delish water. Studies show that those who drink 2 glasses of water before each meal lose more!
5 thirst-quenching, fat-flushing recipes from Our Lady of Weight Loss!
1. Lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges … oh my! Serve up a large iced-pitcher of water, toss in some sliced-up citrus with a twig or two of fresh mint! And wowzer, you’ve just created an amazingly beautiful, fragrant and festive mineral water.
2. Fizzle Me Orange! Crack up a bottle of sparkling water a.k.a. seltzer or club soda, and mix in 2 ounces of orange juice, or any of your favorite citrus juices. Add more or less to taste.
3. Berry Mash-Up! Mash up blueberries or raspberries (or both) and add sparkling water. And, oh yes, if you want to add a splash of red wine to your dinner water, feel free! Am I reading your mind???
4. Sophisticated Savory! Grab a handful of fresh herbs from your herb garden! Infuse your water with rosemary, parsley, mint … go herb crazy!
5. Cucumber Fresh! Slice a half a cucumber nice and thin and add it to your iced water. It’s one of my all-time water favs … so cleansing, satisfying and spa-like!
Still thirsty?
Green Tea: Miracle Drink
Wouldn’t you rather have Vampire Juice?
Spread the word … NOT the icing!
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