Our Lady of Weight Loss holiday guide.jpg
The best ever Holiday Weight Loss Tips from Our Lady of Weight Loss, guaranteed to help you slim down while you laugh it up! AND – it’s OLofWL holiday guide.pdf. Print it and carry it with you to each and every party. Take it out and share it! Laugh it up! Slim down!

Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Tush Kickin’ Survival Guide to the Holidaze Glaze

1. Recycle Food Gifts. FAST! Don’t even think about crackin’ that box of chocolates open. Send ’em right out the door.
2. Steer Clear of the Buffet Table. What kind of masochist are you, anyway?
3. Keep on Talking. It’s difficult to eat and talk at the same time not to mention terribly uncouth.
4. No Sweat Pants Allowed. Leave no room for expansion; wear snug clothing!
5. Keep Your Hands Busy. Try knitting, crocheting, cutting and pasting, needlepoint, draw, write – anything to keep your hands busy. Give your creations as gifts!
6. Ask Santa for a Pedometer. And then, for goodness sake. Use It!
7. Eat Before the Party. Make yourself a huge (and I mean huge) salad and eat it before heading out, lest you get hungry and act like a reprehensible pig.
8. Learn how to say “No, thank you” in several languages. You’ll be saying it a lot, so keep it interesting and fun. French is always lovely. No merci. Je suis a la diet.

9. It’s a holiDAY. Not a week or a month or the entire season.
10. Should you succumb, over-indulge, carbo-load or drift off into a burnt-marshmallow-sweet-potato-sugar-induced coma, confess your sins to Our Lady of Weight Loss. And remember “All Is Forgiven, Move On!”
Spread the word … NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor is a Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, author,columnist, seminar leader and 50 pound big-time-loser.
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