How to survive Thanksgiving? Get through it without gaining 7 pounds of excess weight and 20 pounds of family baggage? Just follow these 10 tips and enjoy!
The Best Ever Thanksgiving Survival Guide to Mental Health
1. Manage Your Expectations. Remember …Thanksgiving is just like any other day in life. It’s filled with ups, downs, glitches and unexpected happenings. Whatever your expectations of Thanksgiving may be, please lower them right now!

Do you think every dish is going to be delicious? Think again.
Do you think that none of your buttons are going to get pushed? Think again.
Do you think that the air will be filled with happiness and gratitude every single second of this fabulous family day? Think again

Manage your expectations!
2. Don’t Regress. Your brother isn’t 13, and you’re not 9. It doesn’t matter that he was bigger than you, elbowed you, teased you, took your favorite toy and smashed it! NO! It really is NOT relevant in the NOW. Let go of the past!
3. Celebrate You. If you find that comments from family members, or rather your interpretation of their comments, sends you on a downward spiral, then come armed with the knowledge that you are wonderful. You are fabulous!
What amazing qualities do you possess? Are you strong? Thoughtful? Creative? Whimsical? Friendly? Determined? Caring? Funny? Celebrate you!
Jot down a quick list of the qualities you like most about yourself and bring the list with you to Thanksgiving. Tuck it away in your pocket or up your sleeve, and if feelings of insecurity start to come up for you, then quietly disappear into a quiet corner, take a quick peek at your list. Take in a deep breath. Own your greatness.
4. Give the Little Kids a Break. All that energy, all that food, all that sugar. It’s inevitable. Someone is going to spill something, cry, get cranky, fall down, break something. Prepare ahead of time. Bring enough games, DVDs and books to occupy the little ones. And bring a bag of extra patience for yourself.

5. Pretend “They” are Someone Else’s Family. Don’t we all love our friend’s family? Don’t we find them interesting, loving, and funny? Pretend that you are not related to ‘them.’ Get a fresh start; a new perspective and you may be surprised find that they’re not so bad after all.
6. Become a Foto-Food Journalist. Bring a camera and give yourself a journalistic assignment. Perhaps you can take a photo of each person eating, or holding a plate filled with their favorite food? Interview them and ask “What is it that is so compelling about pumpkin pie?”
7. Wear Tight Pants. Take your winter sweats, loose pants, elastic waist -bands and ditch ’em. You will definitely eat less if there is no room to grow.
8. Say “No, Thank you.” Even though some people show their love through food, you don’t have to eat it! Rehearse saying “No, Thank You!” In numerous languages, just in case English doesn’t work.
9. Visualize. Instead of losing control and feeling really bad about yourself at the end of the day, in addition to possibly feeling ill from ‘it all,’ at the very onset of the day, before you venture out into the world, sit in a quiet place and visualize.
Visualize that it is the end of the day. Yes, you made it through the day, and you are feeling proud. You enjoyed the day, practiced moderation, enjoyed the company of others, felt grateful for what you do have in your life (your glass is more than half full). Add any details to vision in your mind’s eye that bring forth visions of happiness, success, actions that are in alignment with your values and goals. Make it real, set your intention and carry this image with you! Yes, you can make it through the holidays without the glaze!
10. Thanksgiving is NOT a Gateway Holiday. Contrary to the agreed upon reality, you do NOT have to gain 6 or 7 pounds this holiday season. Create a new reality. Join with us as we change at The Christmas Diet change the tradition and actually WAKE UP THINNER on New Year’s Day! Now imagine that!
Spread the word … NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor is a Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, author,columnist, seminar leader and 50 pound big-time-loser.
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