Weight Loss Coach logo.jpgChocolate knocking at your door? by Janice Taylor
Last night, there was a knock, knock, knockin’ at my door. I opened the door … (first mistake).
The Inn’s proprietor sent a little box of designer chocolates on a tray with a small amount of port to accompany it. Chocolate and Port! Knocking at my door!!!
Somehow or another, I forgot how to say “no, thank you.” It slipped my mind!! It wasn’t until after I’d finished the chocolate and the port that I remembered.

Should chocolate and port come knocking at your door, here is your guide to ‘no, thank you’ … no excuses now – for me either, I’ve got it all covered.
ne hvala * Croatian
nej tak * Danish
nee dank u * Dutch
ei kiitos * Finnish
non merci * French
nein danke * German
no grazie * Italian
no grazie * Norwegian
não obrigado * Portuguese
nu multumesc * Romanian
no, gracias * Spanish
and when all else fails, try …
no, thank you * English
At the end of the day, a small piece of chocolate and sip of port wasn’t a big deal.
All is forgiven … Move On!!!
Spread the word … NOT the icing!

* * *
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Janice Taylor is a Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader and 50-pound big-time-loser (even though she has chocolate now and again!).
Write Janice for a Free Life Consult!
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