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Food News from Janice Taylor.
There’s a New Marshmallow in Town.
I happened across a bag of La Nouba (No Sugar/ No Carbs) marshmallows at the check out counter at my local market. I was skeptical. “Hmmmm,” I wondered, “How could no sugar/no carb marshmallows be any good?” I mean, really – isn’t that the whole idea behind marshmallows? Aren’t they supposed to be ridiculously sugary, sweet and sticky?

One empty bag later, I’m here to tell you that La Nouba’s soft and smooth textured marshmallows melt in your mouth and are darn tasty too. They have the same scent, feel and roast-ability that ‘real’ marshmallows have, and they are pretty. Half pink, half white, they are the dandiest ‘diet’ marshmallow ever!
And at ONLY 40.8 calories for three marshmallows, I couldn’t get into too much trouble. There were only 12 marshmallows in the bag ($2.99), and I shared them with a friend after a three mile walk. Perfect!
Congrats La Nouba, for making one Tush Kickin’ sugar-free sweet treat! Consider yourself Kick in the Tush Club approved!!
New Meanings (source-Urban Dictionary):
Marshmallow is also a statement that is said when it’s all GOOD!
(What’s her face) said she would go out with me, I got an A on my test, and my parents are buying me a car. (sigh) Marshmallow!
Interesting Facts About … the Marshmallow
Marshmallow candy dates back to ancient Egypt. It was a honey-based candy that was thickened and flavored with the sap of the root of the Marsh-Mallow plant. In the early 1800’s doctors extracted juice from the Marsh-Mallow plant and mixed it with egg whites and sugar. When it hardened, it was used as a medicinal candy, soothing children’s sore throats. Sadly, in the mid 1800’s, the Marsh-Mallow Plant was replaced by gelatin. And even worse, today’s marshmallows are basically a mixture of corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, gum Arabic and flavoring.
For more Tush Kickin’ Fun, join the Kick in the Tush Club community.
And pick up a copy of the All Is Forgiven, Move On! It’s MARSHMALLOW! (all good).
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