Seven years ago, Our Lady of Weight Loss, patron saint of permanent fat removal, came to my rescue at one of those group meetings where people obsess about food and weight. With a quick twist of my neck, she performed a chiropractic move of mega-magnitude. She snap-crackle-popped my mind into a new place.She made it absolutely clear that this time was going to be THE time. This time was going to be different than any of the other numerous times that I’d either set out on the weight loss trail and failed or actually succeeded in losing 10, 20, 30 even 40 pounds, but ultimately – there they were! Yup, I found them plus a few extra pounds for ‘good measure.’ (Did I find your lost pounds, too?)New point of view: If I lose it, I may find it. For the first time, I get it. Weight loss is passé. Permanent Fat Removal is the goal.I approached ‘weight loss’ from this fresh angle. My perspective shifted; a paradigm shift occurred. In other words, the tectonic plates within my mind shifted, loosened, lifted and a new me came to be.Our Lady of Weight Loss said, “Weight loss is primarily a mindset and while food is an integral part, it’s not the main course.” (Imagine that!)Our Lady of Weight Loss continued, “Weight loss can be utilized as a vehicle for transformation and reinvention.” She said that it wasn’t just about losing weight and exercise. We were embarking on a holistic happening. In fact, this journey is a spiritual one. Our Lady of Weight Loss promised me that as I filled my heart with joy, explored happiness and laughter, as well as forgiveness and put some energy into doing the things that I’ve always wanted to do but never seemed to have the time to do, the excess weight would mysteriously melt off leaving a fat trail behind me.As my size would decrease; my energy, joy, spirit – my life – would expand ten fold.New Point of View: Food is not the main course.ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville is a roadmap that leads you to your best self – your higher self – your wise self. It’s about uncovering the real you who lives underneath those excess layers of weight, who is bustin’ to come out. Free yourself now!End the TortureTake the JourneyMOVE ON … into YOUR ‘lite’ ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON hits the book shelves today! It is jam packed with all of Our Lady of Weight Loss’s permanent fat removal secrets. Guaranteed to lighten!

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