I read Therese’s Beyond Blue post (re: crying in the office) and responded to it! Here follows my response … particularly important for those who want to weigh-less. If you want to/need to/have to cry, let it out … don’t stuff it down!!!Hey there, Beyond Blue … and Beyond Blue Peeps. FYI – Blue is a very powerful color … it is the most popular of colors, and Blue has healing properties. BLUE removes guilt, reminds you of your goals, calms and soothes, keeps bad spirits away, conveys an air of importance and confidence AND suppresses appetite!! I digress, which is something I do! Sorry … back to crying in the closet. Or boo-hoo’ing at work and at your cube. OMG! YES, I cried in my cube, in my office, in my closet, in the bathroom, in the hallway, on my boss’s desk (very dramatic scene), in the elevator, etc. For the record, it did not get in my way, only my weigh! I achieved a nice level of success at the office … the crying was a sign, however, that the office was not contributing to my happiness (on the contrary). So, there you have it. One day, I stopped crying and left – removed 50 pounds plus the boss (another 165 pounds) and here I am. Famous in my own mind!Therese, I have been to the abyss and back, more than once. I’ve cried so much (in past lives) that I damaged my vessels and as soon as I now even water a tiny bit, my eyes begin to swell. Not pretty!I watered a bit yesterday. Was watching the movie, Rudy. A great inspirational movie! For those who are in the mood to let it all out and get in that great cry, watch it! (Oh, I digress again!!!)Thanks, Therese for a good cry. I’ll share you blog post with my fabulous group, the KITT Club. And thanks for the inspiration. I’m going to make myself a “Cry Baby Club” tee-shirt. Send me your address and I’ll make one for you.Yours in tears,JanicePS: For more crying fun, do watch John Water’s movie, Cry Baby!

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