A Creative Act of Weight Loss, heretofore referred to as “CAWL,” is pretty much anything that you do that lightens your spirits, quickens your step, and gives you a giggle that has nothing to do with food. You pick an activity, declare it a CAWL, focus on that activity, and in so doing, you are setting your intention to lose weight.
One of my favorite CAWLs on my 50+ pound permanent fat removal journey was shopping! Not only did it get me out of the house (and away from the whispers of the fridge), it also afforded an opportunity to walk the aisles of Bed Bath & Beyond with my pedometer clasped to my waist, logging in miles and miles … and miles. Thing is though, while I did consider it exercise (ha!), I bought a lot of stuff that if I were to be perfectly honest, I didn’t exactly need.

Now, however, my DIL (daughter-in-law) put me hip to Mystery Shopping. Mystery Shopping is great, because you get out, spend someone else’s money (holy cannolli!), get paid to do it. Is this not the perfect activity?
Here’s how it works! In this very competitive age retailers understand just how important customer service is, so these stores hire ‘mystery shoppers’ to check on customer service, evaluate cashier staff, delivery of goods, product, etc.
Those who are ‘mystery shoppers’ pose as real customers. Therefore, a bit of acting is involved! And that’s woo hoo fun, too! After your shopping expedition, you write up the details of your shopping experience, typically by answering questions on the retailers pre-printed questionnaire (doesn’t take much thinking!), send in receipts for what you purchased (they usually give you a budget), and then you are reimbursed for said goods and you get paid too!
Skills needed to be a mystery shopper include but are not limited to having a penchant for shopping, ability to observe, and to be able to report back in a succinct manner in written word.
There are no fees on your end. If someone asks you for money, it’s a scam and just say ‘No.’ This is not about you spending; it’s about you making money and setting your commitment to losing weight and having fun (although they don’t know that part of it).
A legitimate mystery shopping company will in all likelihood train you, give you tips on how to be the best mystery shopper ever.
And remember … You will either get paid for each shopping expedition that is agreed upon before you shop, or you’ll be reimbursed for your purchase, or you may get both. Look for those who do both! Get the best deal possible. You are worth it!!
I understand that Intelli Shop has a good deal, as does Certified Reports Inc. (specializing in the entertainment industry).
Good luck and happy shopping!
Mantra: I shop till I drop (pounds, that is!)
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