Good morning Friends. Today marks the message midweek…. The work week has just three more days, then the weekend.

Today I am planning to get lots done so I can enjoy the weekend. I have asked Archangel Jophiel to help me with organizing the things that need to be organized. This is what I heard as a message as my request to him.

“Planning and reorganizing to make life a bit smoother is something I can help you with… Making a list with a plan and then carrying out your plan will help you see how you can make your life a bit more organizes, and a bit neater. I love to help others to organize and get rid of what they no longer need. You can call on me at any time for help.”

And upon hearing that message I feel that I can do what I truly need to do, to make my life go a bit more smoother. So thank you Archangel Jophiel for your message for today.




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