It is my pleasure in sharing my blog with you, about our angels and the daily guidance they can share with us.

It is especially wonderful that I am able to share with you my angelic insights, as a columnist on Beliefnet. It is amazing to me how events in our lives come full circle for us. And this has happened for me. 12 years ago, I found out about Beliefnet, while googling some information I was researching. When I got to the site, I saw there was a discussion board, called Angels and Guides. I was curious and started to read the threads on the discussion board. As I was reading each thread, I came across a thread, with a link to a website. The website, had a link to as site that sounded interesting. It was a Spiritual chatroom and so I saved the link for the next day. I had never been to a psychic website. When I arrived at the website, I found that they spoke of many different types of spirituality, such as healing, angels, mediumship. The rest is history. I was so impressed by the   discussion board, as a connection with my angels and guides was reintroduced to me.   I know that my angels directed me to Beliefnet,  to find the information I was searching for  and also I thank Beliefnet for being the catalyst of helping me, in beginning my spiritual path, more then 12 years ago

Today, I am feeling very grateful, for this wonderful opportunity of sharing the angels, their messages, and how they show up in our lives. They have asked me to speak about Gratitude, from my perspective, and then they will share with us a short message too.

For me, when I am feeling gratitude for something in my life, I am letting the universe know, that I am saying yes to all that comes to me, in a big way, or in a small way. Feeling gratitude for me is something as basic as a sunny day, it can be meeting new people, finding a lost item, or renewing contact with an old friend. We are truly abundant in so many ways.

The message from our angels, when I asked them for one, wanted to offer this short message.

We ask you to consider, how do you feel, when you feel gratitude over a situation? Does the gratitude, bring you joy and peace? Do you find yourself wanting to feel more of this concept of gratitude? When it comes to gratitude, there is no comparison with others, because gratitude is a very personal ownership of thanking the Universe, God, your angels, guides, loved one. We hear you when you express this gratitude. We love that you have taken the time, in sharing your gratitude to us. Thank you and we are here, for you always.”


 Your Angels                                                                                                                                

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