One City

Buddhist art: where to see it. 1. My husband and I go to the Rubin Museum of Himalyan Art pretty frequently. It’s free on Friday nights, has a  nice vibe, and features good films in its theatre and cool music in the low-key lounge — as well as many, many, many paintings, sculptures, and mandalas…

When a Justin Taylor first gave me one of Tao Lin‘s promotional stickers for his new book of poetry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (out now with Melville House Press), my first reaction, after laughing, was to stop hating Tao so much. The kid is a brilliant writer, without a doubt, but I knew he had a…

I am running late, and therefore rushing when I arrive at the retirement home for my first appointment of the day. As I step into the building, I automatically slow down in response to the atmosphere. I work in Alzheimer’s and dementia research, and travel around town visiting seniors in their homes. We are into…

Rumors are circulating on the Hill today that Stillman Brown has privately urged Hillary Clinton to drop out before August. I became good friends with my freshman-year college roommate, Matt M. He was a south Floridian and perpetually a little tan and very smart – we got along swimmingly and spent the first nights of…

I step out of the shower and onto the robin’s egg blue bathmat. I curl my toes in and try to stand on the outside of the soles my feet so that only the smallest surface area touches the mysteriously speckled mat. Where all that dark lint comes from baffles me. Who has lint on…

So last year I downloaded an album made by a new live-band, Denver based conscious hip-hop group called Flobots which features MC Jonny Five, aka Jamie Laurie, who I went to college with. I didn’t know Jamie well, but I dug the hell outta the album, flowing and offbeat and definitely presenting a unique sound,…

Karma – a pretty ubiquitous term these days. As fellow blogger and IDP Exec. Dir. Ethan notes, “karma” jars for tips appear at every urban snackery and coffee shop, and karma is invoked to explain everything from a stubbed toe to a job loss. Sometimes it seems like karma is like a spiritual piggybank –…

Like Stillman, I’ve been on sabbatical from the One City blog while finishing my master’s degree at Hunter and catching up with manuscript reading (and making translation deals!) at work. And, for the first time in about three years, I’ve let both my writing and meditation practice come to a halt. Leaving me simultaneously frazzled,…

Stillman Brown has been on sabbatical from the One City blog while researching a book he is co-authoring with Sean Hannity. The working title is Liberals and Other Single-Celled Organisms. He is happy to be back. A few Sundays ago I met some friends near Confucius Square for dim-sum at the Golden Unicorn, a restaurant…

Sorry for the recent absence from the blogging world. I’m back and so should be all the other One City bloggers. I had a good memorial day weekend, went to the country with my Dad and his dog Leroy, who I sometimes refer to as the “Crackhead Muppet.” Didn’t do much writing, but did a…

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