The late Buddhist master Chogyam Trungpa described a dynamic he called “idiot compassion” as follows: Idiot compassion .  .stems from not having enough courage to say no. . . .In order that your compassion doesn’t become idiot compassion, you have to use your intelligence. Otherwise, there could be self-indulgence of thinking that you are creating…

The Balloon Boy story – a Colorado family released a UFO-like weather balloon and pretended their son was aboard to garner media attention – has gotten weirder and weirder since it’s inception as a relatively mundane Child In Crisis news cycle. I don’t like following these sensations because I’m not immune to getting sucked in…

by Ethan Nichtern Greetings from the Shambhala Sangha Retreat in gorgeous Vermont, where I am acting as a meditation instructor under the awesome mind-heart training, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the coolest Buddhist teacher this side of the Himalayas, in my humble opinion. The quote below is about practicing meditation in everyday life. I am teaching a…

by Evelyn Cash I really don’t watch much TV anymore.  When I want to catch up on the shows I’m interested in, I turn to Hulu.  A few weeks ago, began noticing ads on Hulu for a website called “Kiva” that allows people all over the world to make micro-loans to entrepreneurs primarily in developing…

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