Hey all, just got back from Marfa, Texas. Here’s a little Southwestern Magritte for you.

How is Low-Impact month treating you? Mine is going all right, though we certainly did a bunch of driving around Texas this weekend. Haven’t used a plastic bag, so that’s okay.
Speaking of low-impact, I believe Emily is going to blog tomorrow about Wall-E, possibly the most beautiful movie about the ills of consumption ever made. Really. If you don’t believe me, check out this NY Times Op-Ed piece by Frank Rich about it. He was clearly effected by it. Not sure how he did it, but somehow he managed to turn Wall-E into an Obama-bashing opportunity (and McCain-bashing too, but mostly Obama, because hey, why bash them equally?). Can’t wait to see what Emily has to say about it (who by the way just got this article published about the I.D. Project in Women’s International Perspective).
How is the month treating you?

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