Richard Price is awesome. And Sam Lipsyte is pretty darn amazing, too. Combined, they’re my excuse for not having a well thought-out blog this week. Their reading last night at the Russian Samovar, the first in a series of monthly readings hosted by FSG editors Lorin Stein and Gena Hamshaw, was not something I could miss—if only because I’d seen Price read at Hunter last year, and knew how much seedy New York fun it would be.

I could try to parley this into a review of the reading (a packed house, nice lighting/writerly ambiance, and a suspiciously good-looking audience who laughed generously—all the vodka?—at every one of Lipsyte’s brilliantly overstuffed lines), but that would probably make this posting an even poorer excuse for a blog than it already is.

Getting read to is a precious and wonderful thing. Like a dirty bedtime story.

Anyone else been to a good one recently? Or know of one coming up?

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