I stumbled upon a site this morning that offers a great example of the vital role copywriting can play in the creation and marketing of a certain brand. Help Remedies is a funky upstart health products company. That’s a weird sentence to write, because very few people go shopping for bandages or headache pills looking…

Returning to the mailbag question from Wednesday: My quick answer to the question of where to find freelance writing jobs is everywhere. And I mean that. Our is a world of information and content. Despite the proliferation of videos and podcasts and interactive media, the written word is still vitally important. Companies and organizations still…

Just a quick note: If you’re running for president, and if you’re going to spend millions of dollars to advertise yourself, and if you’re trying to restore competency to a presidency and party that has come to be known as pretty much incompetent, then there is one thing you need to do correctly, all the…

Another dip into the Writer’s Mailbag. Blogger Sean Brereton asked me some good questions the other day about freelance writing: How do you first get into freelance writing? Where can you find jobs? Does it take a lot of crappy jobs to get jobs you enjoy? The answers:a) It’s a long storyb) everywherec) yes Here’s…

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