Jesus statues: Like MTV reality shows and limericks about an island south of Cape Cod, rarely are they made in good taste. Occasionally they are just plain disturbing, as in these examples… ——– 1. Drowning Jesus This 62-feet high sculpture of Jesus rises out of a reflecting pool near the 3,000-member Solid Rock Church in…

First, please look at this photo: I know what you’re thinking: Can this photo even be improved? Clearly it is awesome already, what with the guy’s mullet perm, floppy hippie shirt, super-masculine power violin stance, and absence of feet. Also there’s the fact that he’s clearly playing his weird little violin in a barnyard. This…

This blog has been fascinated, appalled, and otherwise dumbfounded in the past by Jesus art, which is rarely inspirational and often inappropriate. Today we have a whole new painting to discuss. Behold: Jesus, the Founding Father of America and He Who Apparently Dictated the U.S. Constitution from On High Besides the idea of a glowing…

As has been discussed before on this blog, it’s hard to make good Jesus art. It’s easy to make bad Jesus art. It’s also challenging to discuss the goodness or badness of Jesus art, because people get defensive and use phrases like “heart is in the right place” and “to the glory of God” and…

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