Today’s conversion story comes from David Johndrow, who converted from the Congregational Church to Charismatic Episcopalian (!). David is a programmer and blogger who authors the blog Fire & Grace and contributes weekly to Kingdom Bloggers. —————- Bio: David currently is a software programmer in Boston, where he resides with his wife and three daughters.…

I want to propose a thought experiment. 1. Some people believe in God but live as if he doesn’t exist. Craig Groeschel’s book, The Christian Atheist, addresses this phenomenon. (Is phenomenon the right word? Or is it more of a trend? Or maybe just an observance?) Anyway, how many of us go through our lives…

I’m not sure what Rob Bell was doing on Saturday, but I wonder how long it took for him to realize that he had blown up the Internet. At least, the Christian twitterverse and blogosphere. Bell, the pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids and the author of Velvet Elvis and Sex God,…

Today’s conversion story comes from Jeremy Myers. A former seminary graduate and conservative pastor, Jeremy “de-converted” from traditional Christianity. Though still a follower of Christ, he has left the institutional Church altogether. And blogging played a fairly big role in that departure… —————- Bio: My name is Jeremy Myers. I currently live in Westtown, New…

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