I’m pretty sure every writer has this experience. At least, I hope so. You see a book on a shelf, or read about it in a magazine, and think: Wow. THAT is a great book idea. I totally could have come up with that. I totally could have written that. Why didn’t I? Why why…

I am a designer and occasional artist, but only rarely have I ever resorted to real graffiti. I can’t remember any specific instances, but I’m fairly sure I have left my mark on the occasional bathroom wall. Probably to make a witty retort to some supposed insult, or to correct the grammar of a dirty…

Say what you will about the current age of advertising, what with all the celebrity sell-outs and general ickiness and our inability to get particular jingles out of our heads. But at least our ads aren’t filled with utterly disturbing images that will haunt your very dreams tonight. My guitar-ninjaing friend Trace thoughtfully introduced me…

Some days I enter into my local Christian bookstore/knick-knackery, and–looking over the vast shelves of Purpose-Driven products, Beth Moore Bible studies, Veggie Tales merchandise, Precious Moments figurines, dumb Christian parody t-shirts, inspirational artwork and home decor, and books about the End Times–I think to myself: the Christian subculture just doesn’t quite have enough consumer items.…

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