As many of you know, my next book is not a Pocket Guide, but a more personal book from Zondervan titled O Me of Little Faith: True Confessions of a Spiritual Weakling. It’s about my personal struggles with spiritual doubt — where they come from, what kind of impact the have, and how I’m learning…

You might recall that, back in April, I teased a review of Bart Ehrman’s new book, Jesus, Interrupted. As an author of a book about the Bible and an armchair student of theology and biblical studies, I’m pretty fascinated by Ehrman’s work — as well as his personal story. (He entered college and then seminary…

There’s a section in Pocket Guide to the Bible called “Seven Lesser-Known Bible Stories That Shouldn’t Be Told to Children.” I think of these stories every time our church hands out Bibles to 1st graders, and every time I see my 6 year-old looking through his Bible for Preschoolers. Because churches always promote Bible-reading, even…

Bart Ehrman is the kind of person who fascinates me. Evangelical Christians love conversion stories, but his story goes in the wrong direction. He was raised Episcopalian, then became “born again” in his teens. He headed to Moody Bible Institute for his undergrad degree — a place where biblical inerrancy wasn’t just taught but was…

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