Today is June 1. That’s big news, I know, but I was thinking this morning how much I’ve come to love the summertime and thought I’d make a list. Because I like lists, and so does this blog.

Five Reasons I Love June

1. School’s out. This means several things. As a parent of two school-age kids, my seasons have begun to revolve around their schedules, so the end of school is a big event for us. This means the kids will be able to a) stay up later at night, and b) sleep later in the morning. This has a noticeable impact on me personally, because it means more playtime at night with my kids after work is finished — bike-riding, trampoline-jumping, baseball-playing — but it also means…

2. Different exercise schedule. Normally I work out at night after the kids go to bed, which means running or heading to the gym in the dark (winter) or around sunset (fall/spring). But with the kids sleeping later and going to bed later, my time to work out is given to the mornings. Which means running in the cool morning air, around the time of sunrise. I really, really like this. I probably have more energy to exercise at night due to having eaten meals and stuff during the day, but there’s something more enjoyable about starting the day with exercise. Before this post begins to sound like you’re reading a runner’s magazine blog, here’s another schedule-related change…

3. Different writing schedule. Last year I cranked out book manuscripts in the spring and fall, but timed everything so I wouldn’t be working on a book during the summer. I’ve done the same thing this year, finishing up the edits to O Me of Little Faith just in time for the summer to begin. As I only do my book writing when the kids are asleep, this usually means putting in a couple hours of daily work in the morning (before they get up) and evening (after they go to sleep) — usually both times, actually — so being free from these huge chunks of time and the mental fatigue associated with them is really nice. A good way to relax, though I’ll certainly be working to try to have another book to begin in September.

4. Different work schedule. I accomplished this last year and I’m going to do my best to continue it for 2009: Friday’s off from work. Because I’m now my own boss, I’m giving myself as many Fridays off as I can, to the extent that my clients will allow it. A summer-long string of three-day weekends is indeed awesome. Also, at lunch-time in the summers, I often join my family at the local swimming pool. How would you rather spend a lunch hour? Swimming with the kids? Or sitting at home eating a sandwich? Me, too.

5. June is a soothing word. Say it: “June.” See? It’s much more relaxing than those harsh Germanic-sounding months like “October” or “March.”

Anyway, that’s why I like June. What about you?

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