One of the fun and interesting things about publishing books like Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse and Pocket Guide to the Bible is that, once you write a book on a certain subject, people think you’re an expert on that subject. So am I an expert on the End Times? Or, to cite my upcoming books: on sainthood? Or the afterlife?

Well, I’m more informed than most people on the subject, I guess. But it’s more likely that I’m an expert at doing research into a topic and then writing about it, explaining it, and turning it into a small, entertaining book with the word “pocket” in the title. (My field of expertise, then, is actually pretty narrow.)

Anyway, today I’m experiencing one of the weird perks of expert-hood or expertishness or whatever you want to call it. I’m in LA this morning being interviewed for a documentary. (Yes, I’ve done this before. And yes, I brought my sunglasses and tight jeans.)

This time it’s a bit new, though. My other stuff has been for cable documentaries about religion. But this time it’s for a DVD film release. Warner Bros. is re-releasing the 1970s Mel Gibson film Mad Max on DVD, and accompanying it will be a documentary feature about some of the apocalyptic themes in the movie. Me being an Apocalypse Expert (TM) — that’s what my belt buckle says, after all — I get to provide some witty insightful commentary. Or possibly just some regular commentary.

So I flew in last night, I’ll be pontificating apocalyptically in front of a green screen this morning, and I’ll return to Amarillo almost immediately afterward. Back home for bedtime tonight.

Tomorrow, of course, you’ll hear all about it.

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