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Growing up in church, I went through a Bible study called Experiencing God and one part of it always stuck with me: how God speaks to us. Even as a faithful church-attending Christian, the whole idea of God speaking to me and how He would actually go about doing that was a bit vague and…

The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most remembered stories of Jesus for a reason, because it’s such a brilliant story. Jesus starts with something everyone can identify. A man, most likely a Jew because he was coming from Jerusalem, was on a business trip and got mugged. It was a…

If you read the Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13), you’ll find a beautiful description of how Christians should interact with each other through love. In verses 4-8, Paul lists 15 attributes that should mark our best relationships. Hidden in the midst of that list is a gem of truth: love always trusts (1 Corinthians 13:7).…

I was talking to someone this week who is concerned about a family member who hasn’t come to church in years. The main argument that this family member throws up as an invitation shield is “there are too many hypocrites in the church.” In one sense, this family member is exactly on point. There are too…

Trials and tribulations are ever-present, an unfortunate price of admission for being born into a sinful and fallen world. But your suffering doesn’t have to define you. It doesn’t have to anchor you to a life of misery and pain. In Romans 12:12, Paul gives the early church a three-step strategy to soar through suffering:…

The Change Game is a toxic game we play in our relationships where we secretly try and change the other person to become more like us. This never works because no one likes being manipulated, both sides are miserable and the change never lasts. Romans 14:1 gives us a better way forward when it says…

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 In honor of Valentine’s Day, on top of showing love and affection to your spouse, here are five things you can pray for your spouse on Valentine’s Day and every upcoming day: 1. Pray that they would find their ultimate fulfillment in God.…

We’re big about tithing (giving 10% of your income) at our local church, not because it funds the church but because of what God does when we tithe. The principle of firstfruits in the Bible states that we are to give the first portion of our income to God as an act of worship. When…

If you want to know why your evangelism is awkward, it’s usually because there’s no action that precedes it. We think if we just bombard someone with truth, then that’s all that’s required of us. But when you see the early church, they took a different approach to evangelism entirely. Look at the example in…

When continual prayer becomes a part of our everyday lives, good things begin to happen. Here are three rewards to look forward to when you pray: 1. Selflessness. When I talk to people who pray on a regular basis, I hear this again and again. They enjoy praying, they look forward to praying because it takes the…

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