If late novelist and screenwriter Michael Crichton had lived to write a follow-up to State of Fear, the plotline might well have gone like this: at a top-secret, state-of-the-art laboratory in Switzerland, scientists from 113 countries finally discover the true cause of “global warming.”

However, nobody wants to hear what they found.

But it’s not fiction and such a study exists — published by the prestigious Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire, which employs just under 2,400 full-time employees, as well as some 7,931 scientists and engineers representing 608 universities and research facilities and 113 nationalities — and runs the colossal Large Hadron Collider on the French-Swiss border. Odds are you’ve heard nothing about their study. What did these highly respected scientists find is causing global warming?

“It’s the sun, stupid,” writes James Delingpole in the British daily newspaper the Telegraph, one of the few media to publish the findings. “More specifically – as the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark has long postulated – it’s the result of cosmic rays which act as a seed for cloud formation.

“The scientists working on the project are naturally euphoric: this is a major breakthrough which will not only overturn decades of misguided conjecture on so-called Man Made Global Warming but will spare the global economy trillions of dollars which might otherwise have been squandered on utterly pointless efforts to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions.”

But if these findings are so monumental, why has the news media been silent about this discovery? 

Because the findings are profoundly politically incorrect. Delingpole finds it absolutely fascinating that such an important study has been so completely suppressed — but he can see the massive political forces at work. 

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