They’re calling it the miracle in Logan, Utah and here is a video that bears that out.

As you can see, a group of about a dozen people lifted up a burning car and dragged out 21-year-old Brandon Wright, who had been trapped underneath it.

Now recovering in a hospital, Wright told police that he deliberately “laid down” his speeding motorcycle, skidding it down onto the road surface to avoid colliding with the car — which had turned unexpectedly in front of him. But then he got trapped underneath.

He expressed his gratitude Tuesday to the strangers who lifted up the the 4,000-pound BMW to rescue him.

The bike hit the car’s hood and bounced to the ground. Wright, who was not a wearing helmet, slid under the car as both vehicles burst into flames. The video shows a crowd gathering around the burning car and motorcycle as flames shoot into the air. Quickly the group places their hands on the car and starts to rock it until it tilts up on its side. Once the car is on two wheels, a construction worker drags a spread-eagled Wright from under the car.

“It`s a world where good Samaritans pitch in and perform a feat of Superman-like courage and quick thinking,” observed John G. Kays on the website “Student Operated Press.”

Only a few of the heroes have been identified. “The construction worker doesn’t seem to be one of them,” writes Kays.

Abbass Sharif, 28, a doctoral candidate from Lebanon, was among the heroes. Sharif told Kays he figured it was a 100 percent chance that Wright would perish in the fire, but he was only taking a 20 percent risk with his own life.

James Odei, 35, a statistics major from Ghana working on his doctorate told Kays: “All I wanted to do was grab that car and raise it.”

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