Increasing numbers of New York City women are choosing careers over motherhood, according to the New York Post.

“According to a new study by the New York-based think tank the Center for Work-Life Policy, 43 percent of college-educated women between the ages of 33 and 46 are childless,” reports the daily newspaper. “And nowhere does that statistic resonate more than here.

“Tamsen Fadal, 40, is one of a growing number of NYC women — who include TV host Rachael Ray — who are prioritizing their fabulous lifestyles over having kids. Cameron Diaz is not interested in the mommy track, either.”

The article continues:

Whether they call themselves “childless,” “childfree,” “childless-by-choice” or even just “still on the fence,” a significant number of New York women in their 30s and 40s are taking a pass on motherhood.

It seems the ’90s term “having it all” isn’t so appealing to many in this generation of women, who aren’t particularly interested in working nonstop in an office and then working nonstop at home just to prove they can.

Especially here in the city, where many come to realize dreams other than changing diapers and maternity leave.

“You don’t move to New York when you’re 23 years old with $500 in your suitcase because you want to live in the suburbs, meet a nice guy and have two kids,” says Maureen Taran, a 41-year-old creative executive at a cable network.

Although she was at one point planning to get married and assumed she’d be having children with her husband-to-be, that relationship ended — and so did her immediate plans for motherhood. Now, she’s got a killer job and a great boyfriend. But kids — that’s a big question mark.

“I’m so career-driven, and I have to do yoga four times a week, and get my nails done — my boyfriend doesn’t see where I’m fitting a kid into all this.”

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