Following California voters’ success in repealing their legislators’ legalization of same-sex marriage, New Yorkers are planning an initiative to put the issue on the ballot.

“New York same-sex ‘marriage’ advocates will soon face a backlash for forcing the new ‘marriage’ law through the legislature, including a campaign to oust turncoat lawmakers and a ballot initiative to enshrine traditional marriage in the state constitution, the National Organization for Marriage has said,” reports Kathleen Gilbert of LifeSiteNews. “The group has announced that the fight for true marriage is not over in the Empire State.”

“It’s high time for change in Albany,” says NOM President Brian Brown.

Same-sex marriage advocates have expressed frustration that voters nationwide have banned homosexual unions when the issue appears on the ballot. Thus, the strategy has been to seek legalization in state legislatures and to attempt to overturn public votes through friendly judges. 

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