Beliefnet’s Robert Mims, a longtime Christian author and former Associated Press reporter, is puzzled that Campus Crusade for Christ would change its name to “Cru.”

In his column, he muses:

It seems having“Jesus” or “Christ” or even “Christian” on the signs of churches or logos of ministries – even long-established ones dedicated to spreading the gospel – has become passé.

Even evangelical and fundamentalist congregations have been jettisoning those reminders of the founder of the faith in favor of more palatable – dare I say, politically correct – terms. This is, after all, the age of the “seeker friendly/seeker sensitive” church.

“Hope” churches are aplenty. A Google search yields 82.8 million results for that choice. “Life” churches garner 56.3 million. “Faith” churches pull down 23.4 million, and “Journey” is popular, too, at 8.4 million. (Full disclosure: I worship at Lifechurch Utah, a name selected a couple years ago to replace the words “Valley Assembly.”)

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