Teens pack Washington-area worship event

The moment the Washington, D.C.-area First Baptist Church of Glenarden opened its doors Friday night, nearly 3,000 teenagers rushed inside for a high-octane worship service, according to the Washington Post.

Inside the Upper Marlboro mega-church, a large digital clock was at four minutes and counting down. When the numbers reached zero, the Christian go-go band Vertical exploded into view. Hundreds rushed the stage and the sanctuary was filled with spiritual music.

Nearly 3,000 teenagers gathered at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden for Merge 2011, a joint youth ministry between Glenarden and Zion Church of Landover.

“Let’s salute the living Christ who rose on the third day,” the lead singer told the crowd. “Where you go, I go. What you say, I say. What you do, I do. What you pray, I pray.”

The beat and rhythm had the young people on their feet during the two-hour worship service that was part of Merge 2011, a joint ministry started by First Baptist and Zion Church of Landover.

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